Our Expertise
Neck Care
Less than 1% of chiropractors used the technique that “Balanced Chiropractic, PC” specializes in. Our neck adjustments have “no twisting” “no snapping” and “no popping”. As a result, the adjustments hold longer and are very effective.
All of our chiropractors have a passion for “Blair Upper Cervical” care. Blair Upper Cervical is a specialized technique that takes a 3D views of the upper neck. These 3D images provide a very in depth understanding of how to properly care for the upper cervical spine. This is important, because the brain stem sits inside the top two neck bones in the neck. The brain-stem controls almost every function in the body.
The “Blair Technique” is what sets our office apart. Once we get the X-ray of the neck we analyze and use the angles to create a “custom” adjustment for you. This high level of analysis allows us to use light pressure for the adjustment. Our neck adjustments do NOT have “popping” or “twisting”. The adjustment style can be seen in a few of the videos on our website.
Additional ways we care for the neck
The activator is a tool that produces the thrust for the adjustment rather than the chiropractor’s hands. It works great for babies, kids, and people with osteoporosis. The tool has the capability to have a light setting to a firmer setting. We have personally utilized this device to several day old infants. It is one of the lightest forms of adjusting in the profession. This tool provides a click when utilized on a patient.
Trigger Point (Nimmo Tonus Receptor)
This focuses on muscle groups that spasm and prevent adjustments from holding place. When people have issues with chronic muscle tension this technique works great in alleviating the tension. It focuses on the chiropractor utilizing their hands to work out the length of individual muscles to help relieve tension. We utilize this technique in conjunction with the other techniques to get you feeling better faster.
Low and Mid Back
This technique is a full spine adjustment protocol. These adjustments may produce audibles with the adjustment and they do very well when applied at the right time. Many chiropractors utilize aspects of the Gonstead technique and we have been trained in it as well. The Gonstead technique is excellent for low back and pelvic issues. This will relieve compensatory stress throughout the whole body.
One of the most common adjusting styles in the profession. This technique utilizes the “twist and pop” neck adjustments that many people love and or may be hesitant towards. This technique has a tendency to produce multiple audibles with the adjustments and is designed for full spine adjusting. For those who are very stiff or restricted this technique is very nice to get you moving again.
Thompson Drop
This technique is designed around utilizing a table that literally drops away with the adjustment. The patient usually does not feel the adjustment with this technique and it does not require any twisting or turning for the adjustments. The benefit with this technique is that it is great for those who are elderly and or for those who do not want to hear their back pop when it gets adjusted. It is very non-invasive and requires little force for the adjustments to be done.