
Can Blair Upper Cervical care help Back Pain and Sciatica?

Another way of asking this question is …. “Can fixing a neck problem fix a back problem”?

Absolutely YES!!!!

How can a neck problem affect my low back?

The answer to this is: compensation, compensation, compensation. Our bodies are built to adapt. Let us start with how our bodies are set up to compensate. Your body has a reflex to keep your eyes level with the ground. This reflex is called your “Righting Reflex”. This “righting reflex” allows your eyes to stay level with the ground. Have you ever noticed that most people have eyes that are level with the ground? This happens because of your body’s amazing ability to adapt. So what happens if your neck gets knocked out of place? Most likely, one shoulder will pull up high on one side. This can often times cause a hip to pull up high on the opposite side to compensate. This uneven pressure can cause discomfort in your low back.

Example of a body compensating for a neck misalignment.

  1. Neck out of place (left ear high)
  2. Left shoulder low and left hip high
  3. Unequal pressure in low back = pain

These are common things we find in our office that can cause neck misalignment:

  • Falling off a horse
  • Falling down stairs
  • Hitting your head on something
  • Sports injuries
  • Looking down at a computer all day
  • Trauma to a baby’s neck during childbirth

If you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica call our team at Balanced Chiropractic, PC today.

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