Migraines & Headaches

We are the only upper cervical specific chiropractic office in Helena, Montana. The technique we use is designed for  headaches and migraines cases.  Headaches and migraines are one of the most common complaints we see get better at Balanced Chiropractic, PC here in Helena. Although there are several varieties of headaches, we can help evaluate most migraines and headaches.

Headaches range from the common tension headaches all the way to severe migraines. Many people in Helena rely on over the counter medications to help curb their head pressure and to get rid of their headaches. This method only temporarily works and it only masks what could be an underlying neck bone being out of place. Dr. Brandon and Dr. Holly  have seen thousands of cases of headaches and a common cause is due to the upper cervical subluxation. We utilize the Blair Upper Cervical Method.

Migraines from Upper Cervical Subluxations

An upper cervical subluxation is when one of the bones in the neck no longer moves as it should. This creates a swelling or pressure build up around the nervous system. This causes an increased pressure on the nervous system resulting in headaches. The upper neck area is highly correlated with chronic tension headaches and/or migraines. We have taken care of many people’s headaches by simply removing the pressure around the brainstem. Once the pressure is off, the nervous system functions normally and the head pressure resolves.

The least amount of intervention

The Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Technique is a specific system of analyzing and adjusting the upper neck in the spinal column. Less than 1% of chiropractic offices use the Blair technique.

We take a 3D X-ray of the upper neck to visualize exactly what is going on. We believe that when you can see the problem you can fix the problem. The top segments of the neck can misalign and interfere with the brain stem and spinal cord.   The brain stem is delicate and vitally important.  When  pressure is placed on the brain stem, the brain can not communicate with the rest of the body.

When pressure is placed on the brain stem by one of the top two neck bones this can cause discomfort. The top two neck bones are known as the atlas and axis. We find that most headaches are caused by an anterior atlas (top bone moved forward). However, the top bone and the axis (2nd neck bone) can both rotate at the same time.  When the top two bones rotate in opposite directions, this causes severe pain. Sometimes by fixing the atlas the axis will re position itself without additional help.  The top two neck bones in your spine are the most freely movable segments in your spine. For this reason, they can cause severe problems when they are not aligned.


The Medical Approach

The medical approach to headaches and migraines are not curative, but instead focus on the symptoms as they arise. A physician will prescribe (and hope) that over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen (Tylenol for example) and nonsteroidal anit-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen will help relieve some pain. When over-the-counter drugs do not work, prescription strength medicines are recommended. These drugs have known side effects and never actually fix the problem. The symptoms may go away for a while, but not addressing the problem will have consequences. Not fixing the problem would be similar to seeing the “change engine oil light” on in your car; and instead of changing the oil, you just block the light. This will get rid of the problem temporarily, however, the problem would still be there.

Chiropractic Approach

Chiropractic care is proven to help with migraines and headaches. When you are looking for a chiropractor to help with migraines and headaches, we recommend that you find a chiropractor that specializes in the neck. There are a few techniques that focus on the upper neck. These are classes taught outside of the normal curriculum at chiropractic school. In our opinion, the best techniques for migraines and headache relief are upper cervical approaches. These techniques are gentle and do not involve twisting or popping of the neck. X-rays are taken to ensure accuracy. Blair, NUCCA, and Atlas Orthogonal all specialize in the upper neck. Only 1% of chiropractic offices specialize in the Blair technique. Give our office a call if you would like to learn more about the Blair technique. We can usually help relieve or completely eliminate your migraines and headaches.

Our Approach

We do a full detailed analysis of your spine including orthopedics, range of motion, vitals, and any needed x-rays. On the following visit we will have a sit down conversation about what is going on and let you know if it is something we can help with. If we can help, most cases show improvement within 3-5 visits. To learn more about specific headache types, headache treatments, and prevention tips  contact Balanced Chiropractic.

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